Rakst á link um "vísindatrú" eða scitentology (TM). Kíkti á aðalsíðuna og fletti í gegnum nokkrar glærur sem áttu að útskýra um hvað "vísindatrú" snýst. Ég fann meðal annars þetta:
The word Scientology literally means "the study of truth." It comes from the Latin word "scio" meaning "knowing in the fullest sense of the word" and the Greek word "logos" meaning "study of."
Man is an immortal, spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime. His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized — and those capabilities can be realized. He is able to not only solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but also achieve new, higher states of awareness and ability.
Man consists of three parts. The first of these is the spririt, called in Scientology the thetan (from the Greek letter theta, meaning "thought" or "spirit"), which is the individual himself.
The second of these parts is the mind. The thetan uses his mind as a communication and control system between himself and his environment.
The third of these parts is the body. The body is not the person.
The most important of the three parts of man is the thetan, which is the spirit, or you.
The basic command followed by all life, "Survive!" is subdivided into eight dynamics (dynamic meaning urge, drive or impulse). All activities in one's varied life can be inspected, understood and harmonized with all others to increase survival.
8th Dynamic INFINITY, also commonly called God, the Supreme Being or Creator.
7th Dynamic SPIRITUAL dynamic — anything spiritual with or without identity, life source.
6th Dynamic PHYSICAL UNIVERSE with its four components of matter, energy, space and time.
5th Dynamic LIFE FORMS including all plant and animal life.
4th Dynamic MANKIND as a species.
3rd Dynamic GROUP SURVIVAL whether friends, a club, company, nation or race.
2nd Dynamic FAMILY and children and all other creativity.
1st Dynamic SELF — the individual, including his body, mind and immediate possessions.
Through Scientology, a person realizes that his life and influence extend far beyond himself. By understanding each of these dynamics and their relationship, one to the other, he is able to do so, and thus increase survival on all of these dynamics.
A principle of considerable importance in Scientology, and one that greatly assists interpersonal relationships, is that of affinity, reality and communication. The three form an interdependent triangle and add up to understanding.
The Tone Scale is a tool used in everyday life to understand what is occurring with individuals and how best to communicate with them. One can find himself or any individual on the Tone Scale and thus know how, using Scientology, he may best be moved up to the higher tones — and thus increased competence, self-esteem, honesty, well-being, happiness and other desirable attributes.
40.0 Serenity of Beingness
30.0 Postulates
22.0 Games
20.0 Action
8.0 Exhilaration
6.0 Aesthetics
4.0 Enthusiasm
3.5 Cheerfulness
3.3 Strong Interest
3.0 Conservatism
2.9 Mild Interest
2.8 Contented
2.6 Disinterested
2.5 Boredom
2.4 Monotony
2.0 Antagonism
1.9 Hostility
1.8 Pain
1.5 Anger
1.4 Hate
1.3 Resentment
1.2 No Sympathy
1.15 Unexpressed Resentment
1.1 Covert Hostility
1.02 Anxiety
1.0 Fear
0.98 Despair
0.96 Terror
0.94 Numb
0.9 Sympathy
0.8 Propitiation
0.5 Grief
0.375 Making Amends
0.3 Undeserving
0.2 Self-Abasement
0.1 Victim
0.07 Hopeless
0.05 Apathy
0.03 Useless
0.01 Dying
0.0 Body Death
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Kíkið á heimasíðuna hjá þeim ef þið viljið "fræðast" meira um þetta: http://www.scientology.org/
Eða þið getið prófað: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology